Social Innovation for the Sustainability

cab articu1


Towards a new reality: opportunities for a crisis output and its relationship with environmental aspects

Mª Victoria Mestre, Anna Traveset, Nancy Villaluenga y Carmen Recio

This article approaches some environmental aspects which, in Spain as well as in the rest of the world, have been affected, in certain extent, as a consequence of population confinement and economical activity reduction measures, applied during the COVID-19 crisis. Outstands the atmospheric polluting emissions reduction, the water protection as a main resource for life, or the strengthening of measures aimed to waste management (specially those with a sanitary origin), all of them essentials for the necessary guarantees of people`s health and safety. The importance of natural resources preservation shown during the State of Alarm declared in early 2020, must be interpreted in terms of opportunity, and promote a sustainable approach in sectors which can affect or be affected by those environmental aspects, such as transport, supply of water and sewage networks, or waste management. Finally, is briefly addressed the agrifood industry situation, considered as a strategic sector during this sanitary crisis.


  • Number: 3
  • Year: 2020
  • DOI: 10.36852/2695-4427_2020_03.08