Social Innovation for the Sustainability


By submitting the articles for evaluation, the authors accept that they transfer all the necessary rights for publication and dissemination in the format considered appropriate (print or online dissemination) for inclusion in the publication called "Revista Diecisiete: Investigación Interdisciplinar para los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible", as well as the right to adapt and reproduce it in digital format, on digital networks, in particular the Internet, applying the necessary protection systems (GDN).

They also declare that they are authors or co-authors of the article and that it is unpublished, as well as that they have the necessary powers and/or authorisations for its publication, exempting the FOUNDATION ACTION AGAINST HUNGER from any liability to third parties for any claim for infringement of intellectual property rights that it may receive.

Ethical Code


By sending manuscripts to the journal seventeen, the authors undertake to comply with the rules of the scientific community such as the submission of unpublished works that have not been sent to another journal, or that are already published. A call is also made to avoid plagiarism practices within the works presented to the journal.

For their part, the editors will be impartial when managing the works sent for possible publication, as well as the confidentiality that will be maintained with the texts receivedand their content. Itwill preserve the integrity of the research presented.  The editors of the journal undertake to have the publication rules updated and on the journal's website, as well as the copyright policy.

The journal Diecisiete handles the evaluation of articles through peer review.  The evaluators will manage the confidentiality of the article sent to them, as well as undertake to comply with the review deadlines that have been provided.

To achieve the aforementioned principles and standards, it is necessary the commitment of all participants involved in the process of editing the journal, such as: authors, editorial team, and evaluators.

This journal is based on ethical principles that, in general, follow the lines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Call for papers


“Call for papers” open from the Revista Diecisiete.

The revista diecisiete opens this space to receive interdisciplinary contributions that are connected to the Sustainable Development Goals, and that can be included in the monographs that the magazine publishes periodically.

In order to send your contributions, whether they are articles (maximum 6000 words) or notes and collaborations (maximum 2000 words), please review the publication rules: instructions for authors of the journal and send it to the following email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Call for papers: Sustainable Development Goal 2: End Hunger


Carlos Gregorio Hernández, Senior Lecturer Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

Patricia Palma, Director of the Programme of Information Systems for Resilience in Food Security and Nutrition for the SICA Region (PROGRESAN-SICA II)

Amador Gómez, Director of R&D&I at Acción contra el hambre

Human endeavour has made countless advances that seemed impossible years ago. We can talk to each other with small portable phones. We can send messages anywhere in the world in seconds. We can launch ourselves into space to explore the Earth's solar system. Yet we still cannot solve the problem of hunger. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) draws attention to the rise of undernourishment. This remains a threat that mortgages the future of new generations. The millions of people suffering from hunger today diminish their development potential and are the poor of today and tomorrow.

This challenge of hunger requires new models of alliances and radical partnerships. We want to dedicate the ninth issue of the magazine to SDG2, looking at the key issues today, but also at what will determine food and nutrition security, nutrition and hunger reduction in the day after 2030:

- The urbanisation of hunger;

- The close relationship between hunger and poverty;

- The current and future determinants of hunger (conflict, climate change, economics, pandemics, social injustice, among others);

- Hunger as a failure of governance and food and nutrition security as a component of good governance: what are the policy priorities against hunger; what are the linkages between SDGs, fostering spaces for cooperation, access to resources and opportunities for all people?

- New approaches to social agriculture, resilient livelihoods, productive natural resource management;

- Information systems and the lack of granularity of big data and trends. Never before have we had so much information, but what does all this available information add up to?

- Population growth, especially in the developing world, increasing pressure on natural resources and tension over access to productive resources and demand for locally based food systems in a scenario of water scarcity, soil degradation and biodiversity loss.

For any further information please write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Please review the  instructions for authors for the articles to be submitted. 

Deadline for receipt of articles: 10th July 2023.

Call for Cases

Call for cases: "The renewal of the social contract to ensure the implementation of the 2030 Agenda"ach itd edd


Mercedes Valcárcel, CEO of Generation Spain and member of the Scientific Committee of Journal Seventeen.

Amador Gómez, Director of Research & Innovation at Action Against Hunger Spain and member of the Scientific Committee of Journal Seventeen.

Cristina Monge, Professor at the University of Zaragoza and member of El Día Después platform

Motivation for the Call for cases

The post-war social contract, which gave birth to the welfare state and has created prosperity and distributed opportunity for decades, is showing signs that it needs to be redesigned for a world that has inevitably changed. Social polarization, fake news, climate change, growing inequality, and pandemics and wars are just some of the complex problems we face globally. As defined by Antón Costas, president of the Economic and Social Council and Xosé Carlos Arias, the social contract is "that invisible glue that makes a society function harmoniously, that makes social conflict manageable, that makes actors cooperate within companies, institutions and civil organizations, and that makes democracy able to deal with conflicts, preventing them from becoming divisive" (Arias and Costas, 2021).

With the adoption in 2015 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda by the UN General Assembly, humanity set itself the ambitious and exciting goal of achieving a more just and prosperous world for all, and a healthier environment by 2030. Meeting the goals requires not only significant investments, but also new ways of working together and new models of governance of global or local issues, which transcend state capacity. But above all it requires a review of the social pact that underpins the current socio-economic model.

From Journal Seventeen we are launching a "call for cases" with the aim of identifying inspiring experiences that can participate in an event that will take place in October 2022, organized by El Día Después Platform and whose central theme is "The renewal of the social contract to ensure the implementation of the 2030 Agenda".

The call for cases covers the following areas:

  • Expanding the perimeter of the social contract. Inspiring cases of initiatives to reduce polarisation and build consensus, as well as to listen to and incorporate voices or issues partially or totally excluded from the public debate or policy-making process (e.g. migrants, children, youth, environment, etc.). E.g. youth collectives as co-designers of the first regional youth participation law in Lombardy (Italy); Europe Talks Platform (Germany); Citizens' Climate Assembly (Spain).
  • Multi-stakeholder collaboration to renew the social contract in cities and territories in transition. Innovative cases of collaboration between different actors (public, private, academic, social sector...) to address complex challenges, such as ecological transition (climate neutrality, circular economy, energy transition), socio-territorial cohesion, depopulation or inequality. E.g.: strategy for the promotion of energy communities in Valencia (public-private-social partnership); Office of Civic Imagination in Bologna, Italy (public-social partnership).
  • The global contract: climate action, peace and health. Search for inspiring cases of how multilateralism and governance are advancing or innovating for a new global social contract, on current issues such as the climate emergency, threats to peace and the prevention of systemic global health crises. E.g. One Health (a global strategy to increase interdisciplinary collaboration for the health care of people, animals and the environment, and to implement programmes, policies and laws to improve public health).

The requirements for this call for cases are:

  • Short written cases. Cases of no more than 6 pages (3000 words) that are related to the areas described above; please consult the journal's publication guidelines, specifically the section on notes that will apply to the writing of the cases (Keywords, abstract, etc.).
  • Cases in video format. In addition to the short paper, a video of maximum 3 minutes is requested where the case is explained and the most important aspects of the manuscript are highlighted. This video will be taken into account as material for the evaluation of the case, and, if selected, will be screened at the event in October 2022. (The format of the video to be submitted can be in: MP4, AVI, MKV, FLV or MOV and should be uploaded to your private youtube and/or Vimeo channel, and send the link along with the short written submission).

The cases, both in written and video format, should be sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Deadline: 14 September 2022.

Instructions for authors

Publication Norms for articles in Seventeen Journal: Interdisciplinary Research for the Sustainable Development Goals

The articles must be originals and should not have been submitted or published to other publications.

The parameters to follow for the articles are:

  • The average length of an article is approximately 8,000 - 10,000 words (excluding bibliography).
  • Source: Times New Roman
  • Size: 12
  • Line spacing: 1.5
  • Page size: A4.

All the articles will include: title, author's name, institution which work, email, followed by an abstract. This abstract of the article should not be more than 200 words with at least 5 keywords and a maximum of 12; The abstract and keywords will be done in both Spanish and English.

- The author must include a biographical note of between 5 and 7 lines – and from each co-author, in the original language of the text. This part will be entered in the text after the 5 keywords.

- The different sections of the article must be numbered in a correlative way following the Arabic numeral (including, where appropriate, as 1 the introduction section), and the corresponding rubric shall be consigned in capital letters and bold type. Consecutively, the sections of each section will be numbered with two digits (1.1., 1.2., ...) and bold type, and three digits (1.1.1., 1.1.2., ...) and underlined type.

The tables and figures will be numbered consecutively and always with Arabic numerals. Each one will have a short title and full source.

The notes will be numbered correlatively with Arabic numerals, in a single space, and will be placed at the bottom of the page. They will only include the specific bibliographic reference (for example, Internet addresses) or a brief annotation, never extended texts. If these were necessary, they will be taken to the end of the work.

- All tables, charts, diagrams, graphs and other illustrations will be numbered consecutively and placed in their rightful place within the text. In addition, in the case of graphs, diagrams and illustrations, jpg files must be included at 300 resolution as a separate document.

- In case of delivering a text for the sections of "Notes and Collaborations", "Experiences" and / or "Documents", it must have between three and ten pages.

- Bibliographical references must appear in parentheses in the text of the article, and bibliographical references will appear in alphabetical order at the end. References will conform to the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA), sixth edition. Authors are recommended to use bibliographic managers to facilitate the editing process. The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) will also be included in the event that articles of electronic journals are cited and that have it.

Seventeen journal will not be responsible for the literature review according to APA or the inclusion of DOIs.

- Whenever an acronym is cited for the first time, its full meaning must be cited before followed by the acronym in brackets. The following times only the acronym may appear.

- It is necessary to send with the article a version of the curriculum vitae of the author/s and /or co-authors, including name, affiliation, postal address, mobile phone, and e-mail.

- The articles for publication must be sent electronically in doc or docx format to the following email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

- The journal will acknowledge receipt of the originals and will resolve in view of the evaluators reports. The evaluation process is double-blind reviewing procedure.

- In the case of the original accepted for publication, the author or authors undertake to review the relevant printing tests within a maximum period of four days from receipt.